Our King in process.
Our King, doubleportrait in bronzen and steel. Portrait & concept: Natasja Bennink, Poem: Anne Vegter, poet of the fatherland. State Hall Province of Drenthe 2014
Froulju fan Fryslan. Hall of fame of the Frisians, Leeuwarden 2018 cultural capital
Mienskipproject Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018 Frouju fan Fryslan. Portrait “Froukje” Chairwoman womensoccer SC Heerenveen.
Mienskipproject Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018 Frouju fan Fryslan. Portrait “Gea” fulltime volunteer.
Mienskipproject Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018 Frouju fan Fryslan. Portrait “Tytsje” Mem, grandmother and retired teacher.
Mienskipproject Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018 Frouju fan Fryslan. Portrait “Jildou”.
baby portrait breastfeeding
Sisters Dijkstra, 2020
Portet Titus Brandsma, Bonufatius Kapel Dokkum voorstudie voor het monument voor Titus Brandsma, in opdracht van Bisdom Groningen-Friesland 2004
K.ter Laan price commissioned by the Grunneger Bouk, annual price
Portrait Rutger Kopland acquired by the Municipality of Haren, location library Haren, 2016
Portrait Matthijs Röling acquired by Museum De Buitenplaats, 2017
Ein alter Geliebter, portrait of Gouke Notebomer, anatomy teacher Kunstacademie Minerva, 2000
Pake, 2019
Gertjan Verbeek, acquired by the municipality of Heerenveen, location library Jubbega, 2012
Sister Adriana commissioned by Huize Sint Franciscus in Veendam 2013. Bronze on Belgian hardsteen
Cherish the desire (selfportrait), height 60 cm, 2013
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